Could She Be His Wife?

After breakfast, Mag packed food for Krassu and wheeled the bike out.

Ugly Duckling hesitated a long while between home and the bike. It chose the bike at last. Mag didn't understand why it didn't like staying home by itself.

As Mag locked the door, he took a look at Mobai's forge. It was closed, like yesterday. Weird. I hope he won't invent anything too destructive. He was a little worried about the safety of his restaurant.

Mag walked into the school gate with Amy. The door of the magic room was left ajar. He knocked on the door, pushed it open, and walked in.

"Good morning, Amy," Krassu said as he held a flask-like glass container, in which were three potions of different colors: red, blue, and white. They were in the same container, but they wouldn't mix.

"What is that, Master Krassu?" Amy asked curiously.