I Learned A New Spell Today!

There were five tables in front of the magic screens, and each had a ballot box. The staff wearing red vests were counting ballots. They were also checking each and every ballot with crystal balls. If the crystal ball glowed green, the ballot was valid; if it glowed red, the ballot was invalid.

"Hey, guys, check out this restaurant!" said a short-haired young member of the staff. "Its dishes are so expensive! Tofu pudding, 200 copper coins; roujiamo, 300; Yangzhou fried rice, 600; braised chicken and rice, 800! This customer ate 1,000 copper coins' worth of food for breakfast. Can you believe that?"

Rood and Arvin were shocked.

"His waitress snuck this ballot in the box, probably," Arvin sneered. "No one would spend 1,000 on breakfast in that remote restaurant. Each person can vote once every day, so maybe he'll get 10 ballots."