I Feel I Can Eat 10 More Bowls Of Rice

Xixi smiled. "She's so cute, and she calls me big sister!" she said to Lulu. Then she turned to Amy and shook her head. "No. I'm not an elf or a Flower Fairy, but I was kind of an elf 100 years ago."

Lulu looked at Xixi and Amy with a big smile.

"So you're over 100 years old?" Amy was astonished. "But you look so young and pretty."

"Thank you. I thought I was old." Xixi beamed, stroking Amy's hair. "What's your name?"

Amy found her really pleasant. "I'm Amy, and this is Ugly Duckling."

"Your name is as beautiful as you. You can call me Sister Xixi. But, it looks like a cat. Why do you call it Ugly Duckling?"

"It came out of an egg, so it must be a duckling. But it's so ugly, so I call it Ugly Duckling. Although it's ugly now, it will grow into a swan, and then…" Amy dropped her gaze to the kitten, staring at it as if it were a gourmet dish.

"Meow, meow," Ugly Duckling cried, suddenly frightened.