Lord of Ice Urien!

"Boss, the rankings board has already been updated, but…" Yabemiya immediately blurted out after entering the restaurant, but her words suddenly faltered as she caught sight of Mag.

Mag was holding a platter with four bowls of tofu pudding on it, and his eyes lit up upon hearing that. He turned an expectant gaze toward Yabemiya, and asked, "So? Did our restaurant's food secure some good rankings?"

Even though it was only the first day that the rankings board was released, that set the tone for the days to come. The restaurant had set a new record high in profits the day prior, and that was a lofty mark that would be difficult to exceed unless he released new dishes or became more powerful.

Amy, who held Ugly Duckling, was full of confidence as she said, "Father's food must have taken all of the top spots! It's the best food!"