Dark History

Fox's expression immediately darkened upon hearing that. His frozen right hand was trembling slightly, while his left hand was clenched tightly into a fist.


Gustav and Tauros both burst into laughter, and they almost fell of their chairs amid their raucous guffaws.

Jinx and Havid were trying to repress their laughter with all their might. One of them was looking up at the crystal chandelier overhead, while the other suddenly developed a keen interest in a little black dot on his table. However, both of them were trembling uncontrollably with mirth.

Havid was the first to break, and he roared with laughter as he turned to Fox. "Pffft… Hahaha! I can't hold it in any longer! Fox, I actually always wanted to tell you something: your a*ss is pretty white… Hahahaha!"

"Hahaha! You saw it too? I also saw it! Hahahaha!" Jinx also erupted into raucous laughter, even to the extent that tears were flowing from his eyes.