Boss, You're Wasting These Ingredients!


A collective gulping sound was suddenly heard throughout the entire restaurant. All of the customers in the general vicinity, including Blour, were salivating at the sight of Amy licking her ice cream.

There was a popular saying among the customers of Mamy Restaurant: Don't look at Amy as she's eating when you don't have money in your pocket, because you'll be compelled to have whatever she's having.

"I'll get a blueberry ice cream."

"I only have 300 copper coins of spending money left for the month, but I really want to eat it! What do I do? Screw it, I'll get one as well!"

"No, I can't! If I order an ice cream, I'll only have 10 copper coins left!"

Some of the customers were struggling with internal conflict, while others were scrambling to order ice creams for themselves.