Shirley is My Little Sister

"Luna." At the school gates, Vivian rushed over to Luna in a set of green male attire. School had ended for the day quite a while ago, so there were barely any students at the school gates.

"Why are you dressed like that?" Luna faltered upon seeing Vivian, and an exasperated look appeared on her face.

"Have you been struck by my masculine charm?" Vivian looked at Luna with feigned love in her eyes as she attempted to hook a finger gently under Luna's chin.

"Not at all." Luna took a nimble step backward to avoid Vivian's hand as a smile appeared on her face.

"Sigh, women are such fickle creatures. Last time, you told me that you wanted to elope to the corners of the world with me, but you've completely gone back on your word now. What am I to do?" A pained expression appeared on Vivian's face as if she had been dealt a heavy blow.