I'm Very Disappointed in You

"Hurry up! Gather together all of the piggies that can fetch a good price and prepare to transport them through the underground passageway. Kill the rest and don't leave any behind!" Within a large courtyard, Terry was hurling instructions. He forced himself to maintain a calm and collected expression, but there was undisguisable panic in his eyes.

He was originally already supposed to be on his way to the Demon Islands. However, Olef suddenly received news earlier in the day that the location of their base had been exposed. Thus, Terry was told to remain behind in order to deal with any potential changes that could arise. Meanwhile, Ebenezer led a group to hunt down that old elf and the little brat before Olef also departed.

Terry had just been told by a subordinate that something had happened to Olef and the others, and that someone could be on their way to raid their base very soon.