Where is Alex?

In a small courtyard located in the northern region of Chaos City, there were eight black-robed men with black clothes obscuring their faces. They were sitting in a dimly lit room in front of a long table.

The black-robed man sitting at the head of the table looked at all of his companions as he said, "This is already the 10th day that we've been here in Chaos City, and our search has still remained completely fruitless. We've searched every nook and cranny, but were still unable to find any leads. As such, I propose a change in strategy. Let's search for half-elf girls between three to five years of age as our target instead."

"But Team Leader, before Commander Seuss left, he told us to continue searching each area according to our preconceived plan. Is it really a good idea to suddenly change our target now?" a thin black-robed man asked hesitantly. The other black-robed figures were also rather hesitant.