None of You Know Anything About the Food in the Aden Square

Mamy Restaurant's moon festival celebration was a resounding success, and undoubtedly allowed it to gain even more fame.

Going to eat at Mamy Restaurant was slowly becoming a habit for many people.

"Donna, let's go eat at Mamy Restaurant tonight. I feel like my skin has become fairer and softer of late; it's all thanks to Boss Mag's tofu pudding!"

"Really? Let me have a look. Wow, your skin really is so much more supple now! No, I can't wait for tonight, I have to go now! How could you only alert me to such a wonderful thing now? Do you even see me as your friend? My husband has been complaining about my skin lately."

"I thought I'd try it out to see if it worked first before telling you about it. I can now confirm that if you eat this tofu pudding, your skin will immediately recover to what it was like when you were 20, and your man will be begging you for attention."