Take It Apart and Sell It as Scrap Metal

"The near-new tables and chairs are with 200 copper coins per set, amounting to a total of 8,000 copper coins; everything else in here is of inferior quality, and amounts to a total of 2,000 copper coins. The system will throw in disposal services free of charge," the system quickly responded.

"You sure do offer thorough service." Mag raised an eyebrow.

"Of course! The system takes pride in offering exemplary service," the system replied firmly.

"Such a large restaurant would have cost a lot to renovate. These tables and chairs are all close to brand-new; surely 200 copper coins per set is too cheap? Do 300 per set instead." Mag shook his head decisively.

"250 copper coins per set; that's the most the system is willing to offer. If you think you can find a more suitable buyer, then go right ahead." The system's response was also very firm and decisive.