Is There a Cure For My Condition?

The freshly roasted beef kebabs were still piping hot, and an alluring aroma came wafting toward Babla. Her eyes immediately lit up, and she found it incredible that roast meat could smell so insanely good.

However, she had pinched her own leg under the table and the sense of pain was very real, thereby indicating that this was not a dream. Instead, it was reality—there really was a plate of irresistible beef kebabs in front of her.

"Alright, it doesn't look particularly appetizing, but I guess I'll have a taste of your roast beef." Babla tried to put on a disinterested look as she picked up a kebab. Eating meat in this manner wasn't very elegant, and under normal circumstances, she would never eat food directly off a stick. However, the little girl was doing exactly that, and it gave her the impression that this was the correct way to eat roast beef kebabs.