Before She Comes of Age...

Goodenia took a pained glance at Cyril's front pocket. The pocket watch that Cyril had taken was the most expensive one in his shop. However, he only bowed deeper as he gratefully said, "I will be sure to repay you for your kindness. It's just that Devoe and the owner of that restaurant…"

"Don't mention anything about Devoe to me; I'm afraid of being dragged down by him. As for the owner of Mamy Restaurant, if you don't want to be detained by the Gray Temple again, I suggest you leave him alone. I'll take care of him for you." Cyril's smile disappeared as he made his way closer to Goodenia, and whispered, "Next, all you have to do is keep an eye on Gloria and her little textiles shop, and cause as much trouble for her as you can…"

"Yes." Goodenia's expression changed before he hurriedly nodded.