Stay Away From Her


Mag, who was in the process of learning how to educate Amy from Luna, immediately faltered upon hearing that. He turned to the inquisitive Vivian, and a hint of unease welled up in his heart. He was silent for a while before shaking his head as he replied, "She didn't die; she ran away."

"With another man?" Vivian seemed to have suddenly been enlightened. She patted Mag's shoulder with a consolatory expression as she said, "It's alright, you can always find another. A woman like that was always going to leave you anyway.

"Speaking of which, I'm really surprised that there's a woman in this world capable of leaving you. I'm suddenly really curious; what kind of woman would resist your cooking? Or what kind of man could be even more irresistible than your food?" A curious look appeared on Vivian's face.

Mag's expression immediately darkened. He felt as if he had suddenly become a pitiful cuck.