Is Snow White Made From Ice Cream?

In the northern region of the city, in a secluded courtyard, there was a dimly lit house.

A black-robed man was looking at Seuss with a grim expression as he reported, "Team Leader, we've been unable to gather any leads regarding the whereabouts of Narson and his team. However, when we visited their base, we discovered that they had left many weapons behind, so they most likely hadn't left Chaos City voluntarily. It's very likely the case that they were completely wiped out during their search for Alex."

"Does that mean they found Alex?" another black-robed man exclaimed before immediately clapping his hand over his mouth as a horrified look appeared on his face.

The atmosphere in the room immediately cooled to a freezing point. The dozen or so black-robed figures stood silently in the room, and all of them could see their own horror mirrored in each other's eyes.