Take-Off! Target: Rodu!

Early in the morning, a horse-drawn carriage departed from Mamy Restaurant and traveled toward the northern part of the city.

Amy held Ugly Duckling in her arms with an excited look on her face. She turned to Mag, and asked, "Father, are we really going to Rodu today? Teacher Luna told me that it's a city with only humans living in it, and that there's a lot of super tasty food there."

Mag nodded with a smile, and replied, "That's right, it's a large city, and it's predominantly inhabited by humans. However, when it comes to tasty food, I can cook whatever you want to eat, and I guarantee you that it'll be better than anything that anyone else makes."

A conflicted look appeared on Amy's face as she proposed, "But I want to eat lots and lots of super tasty food; will you be able to cook all of it for me, Father? How about I take you out to eat in Rodu and when we find something delicious, you can make it for me."