Are You the Devil?

Mag had swooped in to save the damsel in distress, turning the tables on her opponents in the blink of an eye with his grand entrance.

During clashes between truly powerful beings, time seemed to slow down, but everything actually took place in split seconds.

Carter crashed to the ground over 10 meters away with his chest severely caved in, looking as if he had just been struck by a sledgehammer. He was lying facedown on the ground with blood and fragments of shattered internal organs spilling out of his mouth as his aura gradually diminished.

The forest troll withdrew its branches, but its entire body had already been stained with green blood. Even one of its arms had been cut off, and it was howling with horror and agony.

Gajeel let go of the shattered blade in his hand and stumbled back with a petrified expression, trying to open up some distance between himself and Mag.

Alex was here!