Uneducated Chef

The debate had already reached a state where a verdict was about to be reached. No one dared to answer the sharp question raised by Earlton, and if the revolutionaries had no response, then this debate would conclude with the victory going to the conservatives.

However, right at this moment, someone suddenly arrived at the venue.

Everyone turned their attention to this strange combination, which consisted of a young man with a little half elf girl, as well as an orange kitten. They appeared to have nothing to do with this debate, so everyone was perplexed why they had come here.

"Who's that?"

Earlton appraised Mag with a cold expression. If this debate could conclude due to a question raised by him, then his status in the world of scholars would most definitely be enhanced further. As such, he was naturally rather displeased to be interrupted on the cusp of glory.

"Isn't he that chef from yesterday's royal banquet?"