This Crown Will be Yours

The thick wooden door was slowly pushed open, revealing a cavernous hall that was slightly dim despite the lamps hanging from the walls.

In the deepest part of the hall, there was an elderly man sitting on a throne with a crown on his head. He was holding a diamond-studded staff that was shimmering with glorious light, striking the onlooker with the urge to revere and pray to it.

At the foot of a gem-studded staircase leading up to the throne, there was a small humanoid figure standing at the center of the hall.

A beam of light shone down from the ceiling directly onto her body, and it was as if a shimmering golden veil had been draped over her.

She was none other than Amy, but it was still a mystery to Mag how she had ended up here.

"It's the pope; he won't hurt Amy," Luna said in a quiet voice as she laid a hand on Mag's arm.