I Can Sell Stinky Tofu Now

"No need to thank me. Your wife and kids are still waiting for you; hurry up and get home," Mag said with a shake of his head.

"Alright." Gjerj carried the earthenware pot out of the restaurant, only to immediately turn around as he said, "I almost forgot; I haven't paid yet."

"You don't need to pay for this. It'll be my present to your unborn child," Mag said with a smile.

"Don't argue with me on this one, Boss Mag; I'm the kid's godfather!" Despite Mag's protests, Harrison firmly placed a bag of money on the table before ushering Gjerj out the door with a smile on his face.

This is probably what friendship between men is like. Mag picked up the bag of money on the table, and he didn't even have to check its contents to know that Harrison had overpaid. However, he wasn't going to overcharge anyone, so he was just going to have to deduct the extra amount out of Harrison's future meal costs as a discount.