Did You and Big Sister Aisha Sleep Together?

"What are you doing? This is the test field for the God of Cookery; drinking brine to commit suicide won't work here!" the system yelled in a panicked manner.

The cold and ferocious look in Mag's eyes was quite unsettling even to the system.

Much to Mag's surprise, the putrid brine was unexpectedly gentle on the tongue, and the stinky odor gradually disappeared, leaving behind a rich aroma that spread over his palate. The aroma didn't belong to any ingredient or condiment, but was completely unique instead, and it was particularly rich and tasteful having been fermented for so long.


Mag swallowed the mouthful of brine, and its unique flavor lingered in his mouth for a long time before finally dissipating.

"So this is what it tastes like…" Mag slowly opened his eyes as a surprised look appeared on his face.