I Think We Climbed the Wrong Mountain...

Women really are enigmatic creatures. Mag couldn't help but shake his head as he made his way downstairs.

He'd prepared a pink princess suite for Babla, a snow and ice themed room for Sally, and a starry sky themed room for Miya.

However, Babla chose the snow and ice room, Miya chose the princess suite, and Sally chose the starry sky room. Furthermore, all three of them were genuinely happy as if they'd all received their first choices, leaving Mag quite perplexed.

"This is great! I finally have a room that's not pink!" Babla twirled around in her room with an excited look on her face. She then nodded with a pleased expression as she said, "Only snow and ice can match my disposition; pink no longer suits me anymore."

"It really is a wonderful feeling to be able to see a starry night sky even while lying in bed." Sally looked up at the stars on the ceiling as she lay on her bed, and she was struck by a soothing sensation.