A Small One! Me Likey

Only when one could think of every possible eventuality could one be called a trap master.

Sam was born into a hunter family. The tricks of setting up traps that had been passed down from his ancestors were not enough to take down powerful magical beasts, but they would be adequate to capture normal animals and small magical creatures.

Of course, this golden scale deer was not willing to give its life to them without a fight. Anger rose in its eyes as it looked at the boomerang flying towards it, two humans rushing over with swords, and ice walls rising in all directions.

The golden scale deer made a shrill cry, and all of a sudden all of its scales stood up. With the help of the sun, the scales radiated dazzling golden light in all directions.

The big net made of rope turned black instantly as if it had been burned by a fire. The ice walls were cut into pieces.