Do You Want To Pay Or Get Crushed?

"Little Bro, so what is it with us?" Kiel asked with a smile.

"It must be nice to have your face massaged by a chair. Do you want our boss to massage you some more?"

"I guess that's what he wants. Maybe let me do it this time."

The Burning Legion was laughing in unison as they looked at Chown with an unfriendly look.

To the Burning Legion, Mamy Restaurant was like the holy land. This was where the holy roujiamos were made. Making trouble here was akin to insulting the Burning Legion. They only refrained from crushing the person immediately because they didn't want to contaminate the holy land.

"Boss Mag said we need to be reasonable." Sargeras raised his hand to signal the Burning Legion to remain calm. He took a bite of the roujiamo in his hand, and chewed slowly before swallowing. Then, he stood up with his body surrounded by flames, and asked Chown, "Is it that difficult to stand in a queue?"