Maintain A Low Profile, Ah Zi

"We are going to the Dragon Islands today. We're going to catch a pig there, and then go home to make the delicious red braised pork for Amy," Mag said smilingly. He decided to bring Amy along after deliberating. After all, there was only a day off every week; he definitely should bring Amy out for some fun.

The Fiery Pig was a kind of magic beast that only lived on Fire Dragon Island. It was the favorite food of the red dragon. It had a 4th-tier capability because it had evolved according to the unique volcanic conditions on the Fire Dragon Island.

Even Mag in his current condition could easily handle a 4th-tier magic beast.

As the Dragon Islands were such an interesting place, it was not bad to bring Amy there to enrich her experience. After all, with Ah Zi around, they wouldn't be in any dangerous situation. Besides, even if they were caught in a dangerous situation, they could still either escape or hide.