I Am Saving This Dragon!

"It does not resemble her, it is her." Mag looked at the two frost dragons in the midst of a battle at the center of Frost Dragon Island. Among them, the long and slender one had a clear snowflake on her head which could not be found on the other frost giant dragons.

"They are the same dragons, why are they fighting?" Amy asked.

"Maybe they are in a duel for something." Mag looked at the frost dragons around them. This seemed to be an open battle.

However, he could not guess what it was for.

The battle was very cruel. Both frost dragons were covered in gashes, and fresh blood stained the white Frost Battlefield red. Both parties were seriously injured.

However, this battle seemed to be coming to an end. Elizabeth's opponent was obviously a little stronger than her. With a whack of his tail, he sent her crashing from the sky into the depths of the ice.