The Host Complaining About Chefs Again

After walking around in the bazaar for an entire morning, they were prepared to eat a mud-covered roast chicken made by two orcs. This roast chicken was prepared very similarly to the beggar's chicken, and it gave Mag a surprise.

However, that was only with the preparation method.

The control of the heat is terrible. The chicken meat is too dry and the texture is all gone. The condiments are too simple and basic. And what the hell is that grayish-black spicy condiment? Never mind that it's not wrapped in the lotus leaves, but why weren't the feathers removed? Although the feathers dropped off cleanly after the mud was knocked off, is it really fine to eat this chicken that wasn't cleaned properly?

Mag complained silently in his heart after watching the orc's preparation method. He had already lost his appetite for the roast chicken in his hand.