We Welcome Your Joining Chaos City

There was only silence in the restaurant for quite some time. Only the sounds of Amy slurping the soup could be heard.

Everyone was looking at Michael and Rolan. The decision they made today was going to affect Chaos City in the long term.

The Hairless Monk with hair had decided to say goodbye to his past and start his new life in Chaos City. Were they going to accept him or stand against him? This problem would be decided by the two men in charge of Chaos City.

Stroking his beard, Krassu pursed his lips and said, "What was the name of that bald demon tribe again? From what I remember, they were not good, right? Many women were destroyed in their hands."

"I had been to that town called Catoru once then. There were traces of magical devastation. The Hairless Monk doesn't know magic, so it wasn't a simple case of massacre there," Urien chipped in hoarsely too.