Get Off The Stage, Cyril!

The "agree" votes were increasing at visible speed, yet the "disagree" votes seemed to be stuck, with only one or two votes appearing infrequently.

Agree 30.

Disagree 30.

The guests were all excitedly looking at the "agree" votes which caught up spectacularly. After disregarding the four "abstain" votes, there were still three more votes left in the box, which meant the result would be announced very soon, and it could go either way.

Although Gloria's demeanor was still calm, apart from nervousness in her eyes, there was also a hint of anticipation. The extra five voting slips could have been from people moved by her earlier speech.

T-this is impossible! How did she receive 30 votes?! Cyril couldn't believe his eyes. If it weren't for the fact that the results were not known yet, he would have rushed to inspect whether the voting slips were tampered with.