This Boss Was Really Too Crazy?!

"The Invincible God of Cookery lost to Mamy Restaurant's Boss Mag 2:1!"

The news rapidly spread around all the gambling dens in Chaos City, and triggered a commotion.

There weren't many big events happening in Chaos City recently, so many people had bet on this duel. It naturally caused quite a commotion when the result was revealed.

The Invincible God of Cookery was very famous, and had never lost a duel before, and thus many people bet on him. They didn't expect he would lose to the underdog who was the boss of Mamy Restaurant.

However, the gambling dens' bosses, who usually made a killing when the underdog won, were all pulling a long face this time.

"Sigh. Why was there a weirdo who actually bet 30,000,000 on the Mamy Restaurant's boss? I'm losing my pants this time." A bald boss sighed miserably.