Father-And-Son Orcs

Leiden and Moore, the father and son, came from the Twilight Forest. Their tribe made a living with shepherding, and it was a small tribe that was slowly facing a decline.

There weren't enough grass patches in the forest to begin with, and after the big tribes forcefully claimed territories, their tribe's last remaining grass patch was also occupied. Leiden did not want to herd for others, so he brought Moore to Chaos City.

Chaos City was a good place. Leiden had already heard people say that this was a place full of opportunities. As long as one was willing to put in some effort, they would not go hungry.

That was the truth. After half a month of their arrival, the father-and-son duo had not only earned money for their meals, they even managed to save up 1000 copper coins by moving goods for others and sleeping in communal bunk beds.