Where's My Cart?

Because of the Great Old Ones, Amy finally managed to get a break before the school holiday after Krassu and Urien had a discussion.

Amy, who just woke up, sat right up in shock as she asked Mag, "So it means that starting from today, I can sleep in every day, don't have to go to school or to the magic potion shop, and I just need to stay at home with Ugly Duckling?"

"Yes. Your holiday has officially started from today onwards." Mag looked at Amy with a smile. It seemed like the little fellow had been looking forward to the winter break for a long time.

"That's fantastic!" Amy jumped up from bed, and kicked Ugly Duckling off the bed first before jumping around on the bed and jumping into Mag's embrace. She looked up at him expectantly, and asked, "I don't want to sleep in. I want to play with Jessica. Can I?"