I Love It

"Yes. I've just arrived in Chaos City a few days ago." Irina nodded her head slightly. However, she thought to herself, So he bought all the clothes from her. Well done, Mag, buying women's clothing from a beautiful lady. Well played.

"Then you can come, and take a seat in my shop when you're free. It's at Aden Square, and it's called Blue Suede." Gloria smiled. She glanced at the kitchen, and then lowered her voice as she said, "Actually, Mr. Mag was the one who designed this."

"Hm?" Irina raised her brow as she expressed her shock.

Gloria smiled silently. This time, she seemed to have won the round.

"This restaurant owner is such a talented man. I love it." Irina smiled, and even turned back to look towards the kitchen without hiding the admiration in her eyes.


Mag was flipping the kebabs in the kitchen. He glanced at the two ladies through the window, and suddenly felt a little guilty.