I, Amy, Am Super Fierce!

The talented girl, Amy, versus the son of lightning, Jeremy!

The star of Magus Tower, Jasper, versus the super dark horse, Aulden!

These two semifinal matches would be worth anticipating, and it made the audience excited.

Jasper and Aulden were pretty close in terms of abilities, and the fight between water and wind would definitely be exciting.

At the same time, the battle between Amy and Jeremy was also full of uncertainties.

Amy had collected many fans with her adorable appearance and a contrasting violent and suave battle style.

Meanwhile, Jeremy was the representative of the commoner magic casters. He made his way to being an advanced self-taught magic caster with his hard work, and was also very popular.

Would Amy be able to make a miracle happen again, or would her journey regretfully stop here?

This battle was already highly anticipated before it even started.