How's Your Fat Eagle?

The free strategy of Smore Pancakes had indeed caused quite a commotion. The customers crowded all over the stall, and created a messy scene.

Looking at the crowd, Smore's smile slowly widened. This was the scene and effect that he wanted.

In sharp contrast with it was the Mamy Restaurant's booth across it.

Half of the customers watching had gone away, and the booth was less crowded.

The customers who were lining up weren't affected, because many of them had been lining up for a while, and after being brainwashed repeatedly by octopus series dishes' recordings, they just wanted to try the taste of the octopus balls.

Besides, lining up here felt good. There was a comfortable distance between people, and the line was moving forward in an orderly manner.

Even though the line was long, it was moving at a very balanced and steady pace. It made people calm down miraculously, and enjoy the process of waiting for good food.