You Are Pretty, So Don't Harbor Too Pretty Thoughts

"Lord Bishop, this is the address of the little girl that you are looking for. This restaurant at the northwestern corner of Aden Square is very popular. You can find it easily." A young missionary looked at the bishop with white hair and white beard, and hesitantly said, "But this little girl's identity is a little special. She is the disciple of the legendary magic casters Krassu and Urien."

"I already know that." Bishop Seely nodded. "I came under the orders of the pope. I don't have to care about anyone, but this little girl is extremely important to the church. I won't harm her."

"Alright, I'll bring you there tonight." That young missionary heaved a breath of relief, and had a relaxed smile on his face. Taking a look at the time, he said, "Why don't I bring you over now? We can have dinner at Mamy Restaurant."

"That will do too." Seely nodded.