
Mag sat behind the bar counter as he ate his melon seeds, and listened to the two grown men reminisce about their friend while drinking.

The wine was good, and with the emotions set and the side dishes extremely good with the wine, more than half the bottle of Maotai was gone. The two started to spout nonsense in a drunken stupor, and even Andre was dissed by them.

As a pro interrogator, how could Mag miss this opportunity? He went up and sat with them.

"You… who are you? Why are you sitting with us?" Lucien was still a little cautious as he tilted his head to look at Mag.

"Here, here, here. Have another glass." Mag helped Lucien fill his glass, and put it in his hand.

Lucien put the glass to his mouth mechanically, and chugged it down. After that, he appeared even drunker. Lucien put his arms around Mag's shoulder, and slurred, "Wh-where was I?"