Big Sister Amy Will Protect You In The Future

After a few days of recuperation, Merante had almost recovered from his injuries.

Moreover, Merante could even get to eat the scrumptious food that Mag delivered every single day. The initially thin Merante plumped up obviously. His face became rosy, and looked healthier than before he had been injured.

However, because of that, he looked less like a member of the Ghost Clan, and more like an ordinary old man.

"Come on in." Mag naturally wouldn't reject their request to come in for a drink. Since Merante had recovered from his injuries, he would return to his search for Josh. He was a giant living radar.

Mag closed the door, and smilingly asked, "What would you like to drink?"

"Boss Mag, we will have the liquor that you gave me previously. My grandpa has been scolding me for wasting good liquor for the past few days," Noah replied miserably. He had been lectured by his grandpa for that small bottle of liquor in the past few days.