Mr. Hades Is Smart And Capable

"I went to help the tavern across the road install their apparatus. I promised the owner two days ago. When I was there, I had three cups of tea. I came back after I was done with my work to cook for kids."

Before Irina could say anything, Mag told her everything.

"Just that?" Irina looked at him with a seeming smile.

"Yeah. Just that." Mag nodded. He went up, sat in front of Irina, and poured her a glass of water. After that, he changed the topic, and said, "There's another important thing I have to tell you."

"It's the devil?" Irina looked at Mag seriously.

"It's not the devil. It's the Elder Things." Mag lowered his volume.

"The Elder Things? What's that?" Irina frowned.