A Historical Trade

After simmering for more than an hour, the reduced red braised pork was finally done.

After drinking two bottles of liquor, Xi stared at the kitchen, and watched Mag carry a bowl of red braised pork out.

"Your red braised pork."

Mag put down the bowl, and the red braised pork jiggled, looking even more enticing.

"Thank you," Xi said while her gaze was fixed on the red braised pork in front of her. This was the first time in her life that she couldn't wait for a food item.

The cube-shaped red braised pork was almost exactly the same as in the picture book.

However, compared to the flat drawing, the real red braised pork in front of her shimmered slightly with a layer of oil, and the enticing aroma in the air brought along an even stronger impact.

Xi opened her mouth slightly and gulped. She looked exactly like the little mermaid who saw the red braised pork for the first time in the picture book.