Amy Saving Her Mother

The noodles were soft and smooth, yet chewy at the same time. Every bite was filled with a wheaty fragrance, which made Syndra raise her eyebrows. She found it special and it was completely different from the noodles she had in the past.

After having the beef and noodles, she took a sip of the soup.

The soup was bone broth and was as white as milk. One look and Syndra could tell that it was simmered for a very long time. One sip alone was filled with the rich fragrance of meat, making it impossible to leave any soup behind after finishing the noodles.

After a moment of slurping, the small bowl of shaved noodles was gone.

This time, Syndra really felt full.

Although she had eaten quite a lot during this meal, she did not feel groggy, as she had not eaten for three days. Instead, she felt energized and warm. It was a very comfortable feeling.