Tomato and Egg Soup

Today's live ammunition practice gave Mag a better understanding of this assault rifle.

First and foremost on the lethality, this assault rifle could hit any fatal positions within 10 kilometers and could kill a 10th-tier giant dragon.

Of course, most 10th-tier powerhouses had very acute senses. They would sense something after being locked on to, and so they wouldn't be killed so easily.

The maximum lethal distance for 7th-tier and above was 30 kilometers. Its power decreased obviously after 30 kilometers.

Secondly, the gun sight that looked very technologically advanced, would automatically measure and calculate the environment. It replaced the job of the observer and made the job of solo combat more simple and efficient.

However, when your target was a live object and a powerhouse, an outstanding sniper still had to learn how to anticipate, make the bullet travel over tens of kilometers and accurately hit the brain of the target.