She Still Wants To Eat For Free!

"Y-you have really heard of Black Cat Opera before? And… you gave it such a high review!"

Now, Vicki was stunned. She looked at Mag with disbelief.

Although Black Cat Opera had always been her pride and joy, it was also a work that she worked very hard for.

However, looking at it rationally, Black Cat Opera had no fame at all before it moved to Romo Street. Even now, it was still a very niche existence.

But, Mag actually said that their Black Cat Opera was the best opera troupe on the Norland Continent?!

This praise touched her immensely! She was excited! And, a little shy…

However, it was as though something precious to her, which had been doubted and laughed at by others all along, had finally received the praise and appreciation it deserved. This acknowledgement made Vicky like Mag even more.

"Yes, I have. Some said that it's the future of the Norland Continent's opera. Looking at you now, I think they're right." Mag nodded honestly.