Mr. Mag Is Really a Good Man

Cherie and Eni were woken up by the aroma of food. After Gina's treatment, their injuries had almost fully recovered and the earlier chase had depleted much of their energy, which made them very hungry now.

"Come on in. We're just getting ready for dinner." Mag stood by the boat and waved to the two of them who were looking over shyly.

The maidens from the Night Elves were considered one of their own.

"Come and sit over here." Firis got the two of them to sit next to her. She gave them a glass of freshly squeezed juice and curiously asked, "Where is Lady Ashley? Do you know how to get back to her?"

"The island we departed from is called Anson Island. Lady Ashley said return to Anson Island if we got separated. There are personnel from the Night Elves stationed there," Cherie answered.

Mag cut the roasted goat meat and gave it to the two drooling elves first as he smilingly said, "I'll send you guys back to Anson Island after dinner."