A 'Camera' Is Born!

"See you tomorrow." Mag and Irina stood at the restaurant door as they sent the ladies off.

Angela turned back to look at Mag and Irina as she said cheekily, "I'm afraid the restaurant will be trembling tonight."

"Why? Is there going to be an earthquake?" Babla asked innocently.

"Perhaps." Angela nodded. After that, she looked at Babla with a smile and said, "Are you afraid? Do you want me to sleep with you tonight?"

"I refuse!" Babla shook her head and looked at Angela cautiously.

"Big Sister Gina…" Angela turned to Gina.

Gina glanced at Kiddo, who was sleeping in her arms, and said with a smile, "I'm afraid we can't do that anymore. I have to sleep with Kiddo."

"Kiddo is so blessed. Big Sister Gina's arms are the warmest." Angela looked at Kiddo enviously but still stroked the latter's head endearingly.

"Lady Boss looks like a good person. She's pretty and generous, and is good to us," Yabemiya said with a smile.