Love Would Indeed Disappear

Gina looked at Caroline with shock. She didn't expect her to agree to let Kiddo and her live in the restaurant.

She had stayed in the restaurant before, but that was before Caroline came back. She stayed in the big fish tank, but now… where should she stay?

Mag saw that Irina had agreed, so he lifted Kiddo up high and gave her a peck on her cheek. "From today onwards, Kiddo will live in the restaurant. Father will tell you bedtime stories every night."

"Oh yeah! I love that I now live in the restaurant!" Kiddo hugged Mag's neck and pecked him on his cheek too.

"Kiddo, are you deserting your favorite Big Sister Babla?" Babla looked at Kiddo aggrievedly.

Kiddo turned around and said to Babla with a cute voice, "Be good, Big Sister Babla. You can come and sleep in the restaurant too. I'll ask Father to tell you bedtime stories too. If you are afraid, he can even sleep with you."

"Forget it…" Babla quickly shook her head.