
Meli was immersed in the fresh taste of the steamed large yellow croaker. It even let her forget about her many troubles.

She suddenly felt the beauty of life again. Her brain started to get clearer. The children's smiling faces were indeed much more important than the results in numbers. She had lost her initial objective by obsessing over the results.

"Mmm! It's so scrumptious. The taste is light, but it is extremely fresh and sweet. I never expected that there is actually a fish that is so delicious." Hera was also full of praise for the large yellow croaker and she looked at it with surprise.

"Is this plain-looking steamed fish really so delicious?" Vivian murmured inwardly. She also popped a piece of fish meat into her mouth.

The sauce's light savory taste triggered the taste buds' interest first before the tender fish meat entered the stage.