Once You Become a Drag Queen, You Will Always...

Mag wasn't around. Mamy Restaurant had stuck up a notice, saying that the staff were taking a week off.

However, Miya felt bored, so she continued to open the ice cream shop and Gina was helping her in the shop.

"A swan is so cute. How can you roast it?" Gina swiped Kiddo's nose with a smile before looking at Ugly Duckling, who was crouching on the ground. It had put away its wings.

The golden wings had disappeared and they had become a mark on its back. Compared to their original dull color, they looked like they had a golden rim drawn around them. They looked rather smart.

Gina reminded Kiddo with a stern look. "You're not allowed to fly around on Ugly Duckling in the future, especially during the day. Otherwise, you will be arrested."

"Oh." Kiddo nodded obediently, but she didn't forget to make a funny face at Ugly Duckling.
