Romantic Attachment

Taipei's night sky was filled with colorful, dazzling lights.

Inside the room, under the dim lights, Lin Qian could only focus on Li Zhicheng's silhouette and the smell of his skin.

This time, it was a longer, deeper, and more affectionate kiss than ever before. His position changed without her realizing. His arm was no longer around her waist, because she was already beneath him in his embrace. His hands clasped hers, their fingers interlocking, and he pressed her against the wall. His handsome face tilted slightly, making it easier for him to press his lips completely against hers, puckering and releasing repeatedly. 

Lin Qian's body was firmly pressed against his chest; her legs were held down by his body. These subtle sensations made her pulse race even faster. A sense of nervousness bubbled in her heart.   

Woah, woah woah, Lin Qian protested in her heart. This is a romance we both want—why does his kiss need to be so forceful!?