Miao Miao's Trouble

Bai Lu had no choice but to surrender again. He worked for another 30mins plus. When he had finally settled all the eight girls, he was full of sweat. After these eight geniuses finished vomiting, they collapsed directly onto the floor and fell into a deep slumber.

"Carry them into the elevator." Sun Min continued to give commands, and Bai Lu continued to work as her slave. She even involved the helpers as her slave in this endeavor. After all the effort of bringing them into the room, Bai Lu was thrown out by Sun Min. "Stand outside the door. Do not go anywhere!" Feng Bao Bei and Sun Min removed the clothes from the girls and showered them.

Staring at the closed room door, Bai Lu believed that he must have owed Sun Min an enormous sum of money in his previous life. That was why he was being tortured endlessly in this life.

After standing around for more than half an hour, the door opened, and Sun Min gave Feng Bao Bei her name card. "You stay behind and take care of them. If there are any issues, give me a call." Feng Bao Bei said thanks.

Sun Min turned around to face Bai Lu. In an instant, her gentle expression transformed into an icy look. "Come with me!"

"Where to?"

"To be investigated. What's the deal with the Ecstasy?"

"What do you mean by the deal? How is this my fault? I am only a chef—"

"We can discuss more in the station." Sun Min was like a victorious rooster; she walked gallantly with her head held high. 

"What the hell. I tried to follow the examples of Comrade Lei Feng,and even worked up a sweat. Why do you still want to torment me?"

He stroked his bald and stubbled head and thought that this girl and Gao Yuan were alike: They have severe split personality disorders. At this moment, he thought, "What if I pair Gao Yuan and her together? That would work!" And he couldn't stop himself from grinning. 

"What are you grinning about? Why do you have that filthy smile on your face? Walk faster!" Sun Min turned around and shouted. She was also full of sweat and panting from exhaustion. After looking at the extremely annoying Bai Lu, she was recharged with vigor and fighting spirit.

The police station was only nearby. In the corridor, there were many photos of police officers, with their names and titles underneath. Bai Lu started scanning the pictures from the top, and when he finally reached the bottom, he saw Sun Min's photograph and asked, "Why are you so low?"

"You are the one that's low! Stop your crap and follow me in." At the end of the corridor was the interrogation room. In the middle of the room was a single lonely chair.

Bai Lu conscientiously went over to sit down properly. "Police Sister, what do you want to ask?"

"Don't be so talkative. Just answer the questions that I ask you." Sun Min carried herself with dignity.


"What's the deal with the Ecstasy? Tell me everything that has happened today in detail."

Bai Lu sighed. "Boss, it happened a long time ago. Even if I tell you all about it, what could you do? Those guys have already escaped. And also, the victims are eight girls who are still schooling. They are only young girls who are in dance school, and you have met them just now. If you create such a huge fanfare, and the word spreads out, what do you think would happen to them?

"That's none of your business. You just have to tell us what you know, and we will think about what to do."

Bumping into this kind of weirdo, Bai Lu did not even have the energy to bicker. He slowly explained to her everything that has happened today with a weak voice.

When Sun Min heard that the girls had voluntarily swallowed the pills and that there were no signs of foul play, her expression faltered and became gloomy. For her to apprehend the thieves, she would have to catch them in action. Without the evidence, even if she had found those guys, they would be released without charges. Not to mention, this was an operation in another district, so it was hard for her to inform her superiors.

After Bai Lu finished his nonsensical rambling, Sun Min stood up and said, "It's done, you may leave now." After completing her sentence, she left the room first instead.

Bai Lu was depressed. He prayed sincerely. "Oh, Great Heavens. Oh, Mother Earth. Please send a powerful deity to capture this policewoman."

He strolled out of the police station by himself. He had only walked two steps out, and Sun Min was already shouting at him. "Do not go to the hotel." She was worried that Bai Lu would seize this opportunity and do something terrible.

Bai Lu turned around and looked at Sun Min. With a gentle voice, he said, "I want to 'call' 110."

"I am the police. Why do you still want to call 110?" Sun Min said coldly.

"I know that you are the police. At this moment, I really wish that you are police number 110. Then I can really 'call' 110." After this statement, Bai Lu turned around and started running.

Sun Min stood there in a daze. After she reacted to the joke, she said, "Come back here!" Seeing Bai Lu fleeing that fast away from her, the Great Policewoman Sun Min was riled up. She muttered, "This asshole. He even wanted to assault the police officer. I will take care of him properly next time."

Putting aside the antagonistic behavior of Sun Min towards Bai Lu, and focusing on her personality, it could be said that she was a responsible police officer. When she was on duty in the afternoon, she went to the hotel to visit the eight girls. And the moment she was off-duty, she rushed over immediately and chatted idly with Feng Bao Bei. She finally left at midnight, after all the eight girls slowly regained their consciousness.

Everyone was the same: No one liked to be lectured by others. Sun Min was very direct with the girls. She said a few words and left. "You girls are already adults. But you still don't know how to take care of yourself?"

Feng Bao Bei chased after her. "Thank you so much, Sister Min."

"It's my responsibility. I am leaving now." Sun Min walked away swiftly, with an aura of an ancient female heroine.

All of the girls have woken up, and one of them blamed Le Miao Miao. "We said that we did not want to take the drug. Look at what you have done."

Le Miao Miao was in the wrong, she said softly, "We took it the last time, and it wasn't as strong. Were we drugged?" As she spoke, she looked at Liu Chen.

Liu Chen pouted her lips. "How would I know? But, it does seem like we took the wrong drug."

"Forget it. Let's go out and eat. I am hungry."

"Are we going back to the school tonight?" Someone asked.

"What's the time now?"

They looked at the watch, and it was 10:30 pm. "Let's go back then," Feng Bao Bei said.

"Why should we go back? Might as well we stay here tonight since the room has already been paid for?" one of the girls said.

"What would happen if there was an investigation?"

"Not to worry. How could it be such a coincidence."

Including Feng Bao Bei, there were a total of nine girls. They chattered around and became more engrossed in the conversation until they slowly forgot what they were discussing in the first place.

"Aye, you tell me. Why is Bai Lu's cooking so delicious?"

"How would I know?"

"If only I had such a boyfriend, I would be able to feast on delicious meals every single day. That's too much happiness."

"Happiness? You should get ready for a diet."


"I am hungry." Finally, their discussion went back on track. The whole bunch of girls put on their clothes and went out for a meal. Then they came back to the hotel to sleep.

As soon as the girls returned, Liu Chen's phone rang. She did not answer the call immediately, but instead, she said to everyone else. "It's Gai Le."

"Do not answer," Le Miao Miao said.

Liu Chen considered it, but she did not listen to her. She answered the phone call. With a soft voice, she said, "Hello."

"Where are you? What happened in the afternoon? We were having fun, so why did you leave?" Gai Le asked many questions at once.

Liu Chen said, "My classmates were not feeling well."

"Fine, fine. Come out now, and ask your friends to come along as well. Let's go to have fun at the nightclub."

"It's too late already, can we go some other day?" Liu Chen kept whispering over the phone.

"Cut the crap. Hurry up and ride a cab here. It's not like this is your first night out; There's no need to go back tonight. You tell Le Miao Miao that her birthday should be properly celebrated. We have already booked the rooms as the Northern City Hotel. Hurry up." And he ended the call right after he finished speaking. 

"What did he say?" Le Miao Miao asked.

"He asked us to come out and play. First, we party at the nightclub, and then we stay at a 5-Star hotel tonight."

"Screw that guy. He certainly does not have good intentions." One of the girls was very angry.

"So are we going or not?" Liu Chen was a little hesitant. Ultimately, that guy was still her boyfriend.

"Not going. If you want to go then you should go by yourself," Meng Bing said.

Feng Bao Bei said, "I am not going as well." The rest of the girls agreed with her.

Le Miao Miao thought about it, and she said, "I am not going too. You should let him know about it."

Liu Chen pondered and pondered. Finally, she called Gai Le on the phone.

"What? You girls are not coming? What the hell. I put in so much effort for the entire day. Aside from the money that I have spent, there should still be some reward for my hard work right? I do not care about others. I want you and Le Miao Miao to come over. Make it quick." Then he hung up the phone again.

"What should we do?" Liu Chen asked Le Miao Miao.

Le Miao Miao was more mature and experienced than the rest of her classmates; She knew perfectly what Gai Le was desiring. What else could it be beside her body? But she was unwilling to resign to her fate, she thought, "What gives him the right to target me specifically for trouble?" And also, there were many of her classmates around. She would not disgrace herself in front of everyone and run over to spent a night with that guy. Thus, she chose to reject him. "I am not going."

Liu Chen had no choice but to give Gai Le another call. "Miao Miao is sleeping. I am also exhausted, so I will not go out today. Maybe tomorrow."

"Next time? I want to vent my anger now. You better hurry up and come over. We will discuss tomorrow when tomorrow comes." His voice was loud, and it made Liu Chen flare up her temper. She angrily said, "I am not going." Then she ended the call.

Meng Bing looked calmly at Liu Chen, then at Le Miao Miao. She dragged Feng Bao Bei along. "Let's go to bed."

It was large suite room, with three different beds of various sizes. The two of them occupied the smaller bed. Meng Bing asked, "Who else would like to squeeze with us?"

"Me." One girl ran over.

Liu Chen's phone rang again, and it was Gai Le with a sarcastic tone. "You have grown wings. How dare you hung up on me? Fine, it's alright. You do not have to come over today. Tell me, where can I find that chef?"

What he had planned originally, was to sleep with Le Miao Miao tonight. Then the next day, Le Miao Miao would bring him to look for Bai Lu to get his revenge. However, now that they had an acrimonious falling-out, it had eliminated many of the steps in-between.

Liu Chen said that she did not know.

Gai Le smiled cunningly. "You ask Le Miao Miao. She would know for sure. You tell her, to either help me find that baldy or come over to keep me company. Otherwise, hehehe..."

Liu Chen dragged Miao Miao to the outer room, and she passed the phone to her softly. Miao Miao went completely pale, and she thought, "I just wanted a birthday celebration so that I would be happy. Never would I have imagined that so many things would happen." And then, she shouted into the phone. "F*ck your mom."

"Oh my, you are a feisty chick. I will say it for the last time. If you are not here today, then do not regret in the future." This time, it was Gai Le who had hung up the phone first.

After Le Miao Miao shouted just now, Feng Bao Bei ran over immediately. "What's wrong, what's wrong?"

Liu Chen asked with a soft voice, "What should we do? How about you and me go over together?"

Le Miao Miao thought about it, then she took out her phone and pushed the door open. After she went out, she gave He San Qing a call.

He San Qing was pretending to be a good boy at home. He was spending time with her mum and watching television. His phone rang, and her mum was a little unhappy. "Stop hanging out with those gang of scoundrels."

He San Qing laughed and then he said, "How could I do that? I follow your instructions all the time." He grabbed his phone and went inside his room. With an apathetic tone, he said, "Hello, what happened again?"

Le Miao Miao said, "Brother San, I have gotten myself into trouble."

He San Qing was moody. He thought, "We only slept together a couple of times, and I also gave you many things. Why would you look for me when you are in trouble?" Then he coldly asked, "What happened?"

Le Miao Miao summarized to him the events that have happened today. As it involved Bai Lu, He San Qing became more interested. With a grim expression, he said, "Gai Le? Who does he think he is? What is he thinking? Does he want to cause trouble for Bai Lu? It's alright, stay in the hotel. Do not go anywhere tonight."

After he ended the call, he stood in front of the mirror for a long time. He tilted his head, straightened it, then he lowered it... He kept examining his reflection. Afterward, he gave Duckie a call. "Someone wants to cause trouble for Bai Lu."

  1. Communist propaganda symbol
  2. Same Chinese word for assault.